

Improve your program and create better employment outcomes for young people


It’s important to take the time to learn from the feedback you have collected. A high quality systematic approach to acting on feedback and data is a powerful way to improve outcomes for young people.

The five steps of a program improvement plan

1. Review feedback and data

Regularly review program and organisational results and take the time to understand what the data is telling you.


2. Reflect and discuss the data that has been collected

Meet with the team and any other relevant people to review the data that has been collected and to discuss any insights about what is working well and what isn’t. This provides an opportunity to work in partnership with young people to review programs and come up with ideas for how the program can be improved.


3. Develop recommendations or actions

Develop a set of actions to implement changes. For recommendations that require changes beyond the front line, a cross organisational approach is required that brings together people from the relevant teams.


4. Implement changes to the program

Data and feedback can lead to a wide array of improvements in service design and delivery – from inexpensive and obvious refinements to fundamental changes that require real effort. While sometimes data uncovers unexpected insights, some of the greatest benefits come from acting on issues which were already well known but somehow went unaddressed.


5. Communicate changes back to relevant stakeholders

It’s important to communicate back to relevant stakeholders about the changes or improvements that are made because of the data collected e.g. other parts of the organisation, the young people who provided feedback, funders etc.


To access additional research and tools from Social Ventures Australia on the collection and use of client feedback in the social sector, visit the resources page.

Contact us

If you have questions, feedback, or have used Review in your programs, we’d love to hear from you.